Kendrick these days has grown to become so super energetic, it's no wonder Mummy loose weight =P Looking after this little fella' really takes up a lot of your energy and he has not even gone to the walking stage yet! However, as at now, he loves to climb all over the place once we put him on our bed. If put in his baby cot or play pen, he would immediately stand and cruise around. When crawling on the floor, he has since learnt to explore more areas of the house, getting really excited when we tell him we are going to catch him! Kendrick will then crawl even faster and laugh. He is also beginning to touch areas which are a slight 'danger zone'. Have to find new ways to protect him from that. Gave me a shock that day when I realised he could reach the fan and started to press the buttons of the fan!!
Kendrick also loves to jabber a lot. He seems to be able to differentiate 'pa-pa' from Mummy better too as we noticed he does call his pa-pa correctly. As for Mummy, his 'ma-ma-ma' words still seem a little unclear. It could mean me, or his Ah Ma, or even food. But sometimes when he sees food he does say 'mum-mum' more than 'ma-ma'. So perhaps he does know what is food indeed. Ya, this greedy little boy :P See us eat only he also wanna eat. As for other words, he apparently said 'bir-bir' this weekend after Dear taught him what was a bird when they saw one. So it's quite cute to see Kendrick looking up at the sky and about when we tell him to look for the birds.
With his growing curiosity of the many things around him, I can only pray for more patience to look after him. Sometimes I admit I just wanna scold him when I get upset by how naughty or 'active' he is. But I also feel very heart-pain after that. He is after all, still such a baby! Really really hope to cultivate greater patience. I love you Kendrick! :)
Kendrick also loves to jabber a lot. He seems to be able to differentiate 'pa-pa' from Mummy better too as we noticed he does call his pa-pa correctly. As for Mummy, his 'ma-ma-ma' words still seem a little unclear. It could mean me, or his Ah Ma, or even food. But sometimes when he sees food he does say 'mum-mum' more than 'ma-ma'. So perhaps he does know what is food indeed. Ya, this greedy little boy :P See us eat only he also wanna eat. As for other words, he apparently said 'bir-bir' this weekend after Dear taught him what was a bird when they saw one. So it's quite cute to see Kendrick looking up at the sky and about when we tell him to look for the birds.
With his growing curiosity of the many things around him, I can only pray for more patience to look after him. Sometimes I admit I just wanna scold him when I get upset by how naughty or 'active' he is. But I also feel very heart-pain after that. He is after all, still such a baby! Really really hope to cultivate greater patience. I love you Kendrick! :)