Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Birthday Party

This afternoon we went to attend my colleague Cindy's son's 3 year old birthday party. It was quite interesting as it was a chance for Kendrick to mingle around with the kids there, including my colleagues' children. Kendrick was rather happy to play around with some of the toys that actually belonged to the birthday boy. He was also very happy to see the balloons and Thomas & Friends decorations. Haha. I'm still thinking whether to use that or Sesame Street's Elmo to decor our home for his 1 year old birthday.

Thought this shot turned out rather dreamy looking
Kendrick, Me, Ian Di Di and Aunty Seow Ping
Playing with this Thomas & Friends activity table - the 2 boys here were actually kinda vying to play. Learn to share boyz!
Subsequently when no one else was playing, Kendrick was still quite fascinated with the activity tableMummy helping Kendrick, who is still engrossed with the table
Playing masak masak with the other kids and Christian kor kor

Birthday boy on the left and his very lovely set of Thomas & Friends cake! But guess his good friend on the right could not wait to be in the picture too. Hehe...

Christmas at Orchard (29 Nov 2008)

We brought Kendrick to Orchard Rd this evening to have a look at the Christmas lights and decorations, part of this thing we have been doing yearly. Of course, last year Kendrick was still in Mummy's tummy. Hehe. How time flies! Anyway, we had dinner at Wheelock Place then took a stroll down towards Ngee Ann City. Kendrick was pretty happy to see the lights and he would point at some of the decorations that we saw. His favourite was probably the huge Christmas tree inside Ngee Ann City. He smiled happily and pointed at the tree.

The night was pretty warm though, so we were all pretty tired but the end of our walk. Took some photos but it was really difficult to take with Kendrick as he was easily distracted by everything around him! So here are some of the better shots with Kendrick :P

At our dinner place at Wheelock Place

Kendrick is eating his dinner too - yummy porridge cooked by Mummy

Our first family shot - think this is the only one that Kendrick is looking straight

At the Christmas tree inside Ngee Ann City - this is where Kendrick got really distracted

Struggling Kendrick

Daddy and Kendrick

Outside Ngee Ann City area...Kendrick looking at other things again...

Friday, November 28, 2008

You Are My Sunshine : )

Just wanted to put in this entry that last night, Kendrick was really cute and he made me really happy. Hehe. Daddy was not back from his trip yet, so my mum was at home with me. We were just playing with Kendrick in the hall and watching TV when he suddenly had this mood to 'sayang' us. He started by climbing onto his 外婆 and then leaning his head on her and making this 'ah' sound. But what we did not expect was for him to keep doing it for a couple more times. Quite funny indeed. Then I told him to come to 'sayang' Mummy as well and he did. His good mood also made him sleep quite easily after his milk and his sleep was pretty peaceful. For that, I'm really thankful. Hahahaa...

Really find that Kendrick is growing up fast, trying to learn our language or speak funny sounds and words as if he is talking like us. He also finally learnt how to play with the toy whereby you have to put blocks into the right shape to fit it through. Previously he did not want to learn when I tried to teach him, but suddenly, he was willing to learn and I was able to guide him to show him how to put the blocks into the correct shape that fits. In terms of eating as well, when I pass him a small biscuit, he will take it with his fingers in pincer grasp and put it into his mouth. Though he's not very good at it still, but I'm so happy that he finally learnt. At least learning is a good sign!

Kendrick wearing new pjs and giving us a toothy smile. Hehe..Can see more of his teeth

Looking a little stunned

Yeah, I'm Number 1!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Just some thoughts...

I guess every day I'm reminded of how my little baby is growing up. From looking at him smile, to him blabbering in many syllables instead of just one or two syllables, to him pointing at things and making some noise as if to tell me something. It's these little things that brighten my day when I think of Kendrick. At home, he would point to the words 'Yellow Bear' on the bumper mat and say 'bear' and seem to get excited about it. He would also love it when we play with him on the bed and get him tickled and excited, or even simply when we try to 'catch' him when he is crawling around the house.

He's approaching 1 years old soon and that would mean he's moving into a toddler stage in no time. It would be another exciting and interesting phase indeed. Probably more tiring. Haha... But that's the sacrifice you make when you start a family. You really pour out your love, energy and time into nurturing your children. Anyway, lately I keep recalling this verse I heard at a friend's wedding could not help ending this entry with it...

"...And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love...."

Mummy and Kendrick wearing our mother and son tee...courtesy of Daddy who was in Cairns recently and bought a similar piece for Kendrick. Mummy's one has been worn for a few years already!

Somehow u are looking more and more like a big boy already...hmmmm...

Trying out the kiddy ride at AMK Hub

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Kendrick at 10 months old (7 Nov 2008)

With Daddy away last week, I hardly had any time to sit down and blog. Finally can squeeze in some time now. Well, Kendrick has already turned 10 months old and I feel that there are quite a bit of changes I've observed in him. So just a quick update in terms of his developments:

  • Crawls very well on all fours and he has learnt to explore all around the house. Previously he mostly just crawled within the bumper mat area only. Now he plays hide and seek with us and notes whether we are following after him when he crawls to different parts of the house
  • Seems to like walking when we hold him by his hands and guide him to walk. However, I think sometimes he forgets that he actually don't know how to walk yet. Haha, why I say this is because sometimes Kendrick just want to walk off himself without really thinking if he can do it
  • Pull himself to a standing position with support from cabinets/shelves easily. Still do not know how to get up on his own without any support. Cruises easily from place to place while holding onto something. Has made some small attempts to not hold anything for 1 second, but his balance is still not very good yet
Gestures and other psycho-motor skills
  • Nowadays tend to clap more easily especially after we sing a song or when he watches some shows and he likes the music
  • Knows how to wave good-bye but very very difficult to make him do it
  • Ever made the 'gong-xi gong-xi' action when I taught him some time back, but nowadays seldom do so
  • Sometimes indicates his wants by moving his body and hands towards that certain direction
  • Makes 'clicking' noises with his tongue. He will tend to mimic us when we start doing it first
  • Is able to put objects into a big container
  • When we stack up some blocks into a tower, he loves to push them down and then laugh about it
  • Sprouts 2 bottom teeth and 1 upper tooth at the moment
  • Continues to love drinking milk, though now he only drinks about 220 ml three times a day
  • Eats cereal and also porridge (with vege and fish)
  • Tasted fruits like apple, pear and banana
  • Tasted a bit of bread, rusk biscuits
  • Not able to really pick small pieces of food up by himself to eat. In fact he gets really upset when he can't eat it. Still trying to train him
  • Tried drinking from a sippy cup, but still not very good as he gets choked easily. Think the flow is too fast for him somehow
  • Continues to be quite a chatty little boy, making lots of blabbering sounds and words. Pa pa and ma ma he can say, just that pa pa a little bit more accurately to the right person
  • Other cute little words he has mentioned include: wo-wo, yeh-yeh, bir-bir, bear-bear,oh, da-da, zheh-zheh
  • Sometimes he makes these sounds/words like he is talking to us

  • Show impatience and displeasure if he does not get his way by arching his body or crying of course
  • Yet while playing some silly games with him, he will laugh like he is so tickled
  • A little bit of stranger anxiety seemed to have come back. Will 'bi chui' when he see some people that he seldom see
  • At nights, at times he would prefer to sleep with us rather than in his cot

Kendrick is certainly growing and getting quite a handful! Haha...Quite difficult to really get this little boy to sit still. Have to always distract him with toys and books but even then, he gets bored after a while. He also likes lots of 'gadgety' stuff like all the remote controllers and our handphones and even the laptop. On the other hand, he doesn't like furry stuff! Let him play some stuff toy and he would throw it aside! Passed him a small toy car and he was willing to hold it and play it. Hahaha...funny boy...

Making some funny smile

Again showing off his teeth...Haha...

A bit of his 'bi-chui' expression here

Mummy and son look-a-like tee shirt, courtesy of Daddy

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Visit to Jacob Ballas Children's Garden (27 Oct 2008)

We brought Kendrick to the Jacob Ballas Children's Place at Singapore Botanic Gardens on this day as it was a Deepavali public holiday. Since Kendrick woke early at around 7+am, we got ready our stuff and headed to McDonald's for breakfast first. Upon reaching our venue, we could see that many families also brought their kids there on this public holiday. Although I feel that this park is more suitable for kids around 2 years plus and above, it was still good to expose Kendrick to a bit of nature every now and then. So here we were :)

The only family pic we managed to take. Haha. Kendrick has a funny expression and pose here. Behind us is the map of the park. Not very big place, but good enough for a simple walk

Father and son start off by walking in the maze. If Mummy go in may get lost..LOL...

Trying to tell Kendrick about the bottle gourds hanging in the cage

Playing with some wind instruments

Daddy thinks that Kendrick is so loving with me in this pic as he chose to lean his head on mine

Letting Kendrick sit on Daddy's shoulders, but so hard to get him to look at the camera!!

Just one part of the park called Fantasy Forest I think

Trying to teach Kendrick about water plants....haha

A very old tree trunk

There was also one part where kids could play with water and many 'ang-mo' parents simply let their kids play without clothes on (other than wearing Huggies swim diapers I guess). Most Asian kids were wearing clothes. Haha...different culture I guess. Kendrick's turn will come next time when he knows how to walk at least! Anyway, after the morning walk, we headed home. Hope Kendrick enjoyed himself. Will certainly bring him here again when he is older :)