Just wanted to put in this entry that last night, Kendrick was really cute and he made me really happy. Hehe. Daddy was not back from his trip yet, so my mum was at home with me. We were just playing with Kendrick in the hall and watching TV when he suddenly had this mood to 'sayang' us. He started by climbing onto his 外婆 and then leaning his head on her and making this 'ah' sound. But what we did not expect was for him to keep doing it for a couple more times. Quite funny indeed. Then I told him to come to 'sayang' Mummy as well and he did. His good mood also made him sleep quite easily after his milk and his sleep was pretty peaceful. For that, I'm really thankful. Hahahaa...
Really find that Kendrick is growing up fast, trying to learn our language or speak funny sounds and words as if he is talking like us. He also finally learnt how to play with the toy whereby you have to put blocks into the right shape to fit it through. Previously he did not want to learn when I tried to teach him, but suddenly, he was willing to learn and I was able to guide him to show him how to put the blocks into the correct shape that fits. In terms of eating as well, when I pass him a small biscuit, he will take it with his fingers in pincer grasp and put it into his mouth. Though he's not very good at it still, but I'm so happy that he finally learnt. At least learning is a good sign!
Kendrick wearing new pjs and giving us a toothy smile. Hehe..Can see more of his teeth
Yeah, I'm Number 1!