With Daddy away last week, I hardly had any time to sit down and blog. Finally can squeeze in some time now. Well, Kendrick has already turned 10 months old and I feel that there are quite a bit of changes I've observed in him. So just a quick update in terms of his developments:
- Crawls very well on all fours and he has learnt to explore all around the house. Previously he mostly just crawled within the bumper mat area only. Now he plays hide and seek with us and notes whether we are following after him when he crawls to different parts of the house
- Seems to like walking when we hold him by his hands and guide him to walk. However, I think sometimes he forgets that he actually don't know how to walk yet. Haha, why I say this is because sometimes Kendrick just want to walk off himself without really thinking if he can do it
- Pull himself to a standing position with support from cabinets/shelves easily. Still do not know how to get up on his own without any support. Cruises easily from place to place while holding onto something. Has made some small attempts to not hold anything for 1 second, but his balance is still not very good yet
Gestures and other psycho-motor skills
- Nowadays tend to clap more easily especially after we sing a song or when he watches some shows and he likes the music
- Knows how to wave good-bye but very very difficult to make him do it
- Ever made the 'gong-xi gong-xi' action when I taught him some time back, but nowadays seldom do so
- Sometimes indicates his wants by moving his body and hands towards that certain direction
- Makes 'clicking' noises with his tongue. He will tend to mimic us when we start doing it first
- Is able to put objects into a big container
- When we stack up some blocks into a tower, he loves to push them down and then laugh about it
- Sprouts 2 bottom teeth and 1 upper tooth at the moment
- Continues to love drinking milk, though now he only drinks about 220 ml three times a day
- Eats cereal and also porridge (with vege and fish)
- Tasted fruits like apple, pear and banana
- Tasted a bit of bread, rusk biscuits
- Not able to really pick small pieces of food up by himself to eat. In fact he gets really upset when he can't eat it. Still trying to train him
- Tried drinking from a sippy cup, but still not very good as he gets choked easily. Think the flow is too fast for him somehow
- Continues to be quite a chatty little boy, making lots of blabbering sounds and words. Pa pa and ma ma he can say, just that pa pa a little bit more accurately to the right person
- Other cute little words he has mentioned include: wo-wo, yeh-yeh, bir-bir, bear-bear,oh, da-da, zheh-zheh
- Sometimes he makes these sounds/words like he is talking to us
- Show impatience and displeasure if he does not get his way by arching his body or crying of course
- Yet while playing some silly games with him, he will laugh like he is so tickled
- A little bit of stranger anxiety seemed to have come back. Will 'bi chui' when he see some people that he seldom see
- At nights, at times he would prefer to sleep with us rather than in his cot
Kendrick is certainly growing and getting quite a handful! Haha...Quite difficult to really get this little boy to sit still. Have to always distract him with toys and books but even then, he gets bored after a while. He also likes lots of 'gadgety' stuff like all the remote controllers and our handphones and even the laptop. On the other hand, he doesn't like furry stuff! Let him play some stuff toy and he would throw it aside! Passed him a small toy car and he was willing to hold it and play it. Hahaha...funny boy...
Making some funny smile

Again showing off his teeth...Haha...

A bit of his 'bi-chui' expression here

Mummy and son look-a-like tee shirt, courtesy of Daddy