I guess every day I'm reminded of how my little baby is growing up. From looking at him smile, to him blabbering in many syllables instead of just one or two syllables, to him pointing at things and making some noise as if to tell me something. It's these little things that brighten my day when I think of Kendrick. At home, he would point to the words 'Yellow Bear' on the bumper mat and say 'bear' and seem to get excited about it. He would also love it when we play with him on the bed and get him tickled and excited, or even simply when we try to 'catch' him when he is crawling around the house.
He's approaching 1 years old soon and that would mean he's moving into a toddler stage in no time. It would be another exciting and interesting phase indeed. Probably more tiring. Haha... But that's the sacrifice you make when you start a family. You really pour out your love, energy and time into nurturing your children. Anyway, lately I keep recalling this verse I heard at a friend's wedding recently...so could not help ending this entry with it...
"...And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love...."
Mummy and Kendrick wearing our mother and son tee...courtesy of Daddy who was in Cairns recently and bought a similar piece for Kendrick. Mummy's one has been worn for a few years already!

Somehow u are looking more and more like a big boy already...hmmmm...

Trying out the kiddy ride at AMK Hub