We brought Kendrick to Orchard Rd this evening to have a look at the Christmas lights and decorations, part of this thing we have been doing yearly. Of course, last year Kendrick was still in Mummy's tummy. Hehe. How time flies! Anyway, we had dinner at Wheelock Place then took a stroll down towards Ngee Ann City. Kendrick was pretty happy to see the lights and he would point at some of the decorations that we saw. His favourite was probably the huge Christmas tree inside Ngee Ann City. He smiled happily and pointed at the tree.
The night was pretty warm though, so we were all pretty tired but the end of our walk. Took some photos but it was really difficult to take with Kendrick as he was easily distracted by everything around him! So here are some of the better shots with Kendrick :P
At our dinner place at Wheelock Place

Kendrick is eating his dinner too - yummy porridge cooked by Mummy

Our first family shot - think this is the only one that Kendrick is looking straight

At the Christmas tree inside Ngee Ann City - this is where Kendrick got really distracted

Struggling Kendrick

Daddy and Kendrick

Outside Ngee Ann City area...Kendrick looking at other things again...