We brought Kendrick to the Jacob Ballas Children's Place at Singapore Botanic Gardens on this day as it was a Deepavali public holiday. Since Kendrick woke early at around 7+am, we got ready our stuff and headed to McDonald's for breakfast first. Upon reaching our venue, we could see that many families also brought their kids there on this public holiday. Although I feel that this park is more suitable for kids around 2 years plus and above, it was still good to expose Kendrick to a bit of nature every now and then. So here we were :)
The only family pic we managed to take. Haha. Kendrick has a funny expression and pose here. Behind us is the map of the park. Not very big place, but good enough for a simple walk

Father and son start off by walking in the maze. If Mummy go in may get lost..LOL...

Trying to tell Kendrick about the bottle gourds hanging in the cage

Playing with some wind instruments

Daddy thinks that Kendrick is so loving with me in this pic as he chose to lean his head on mine

Letting Kendrick sit on Daddy's shoulders, but so hard to get him to look at the camera!!

Just one part of the park called Fantasy Forest I think

Trying to teach Kendrick about water plants....haha

A very old tree trunk

There was also one part where kids could play with water and many 'ang-mo' parents simply let their kids play without clothes on (other than wearing Huggies swim diapers I guess). Most Asian kids were wearing clothes. Haha...different culture I guess. Kendrick's turn will come next time when he knows how to walk at least! Anyway, after the morning walk, we headed home. Hope Kendrick enjoyed himself. Will certainly bring him here again when he is older :)