In the recent weekend, we brought Kendrick to my friend's son's birthday party. The place was full of kids and at first, Kendrick stuck close to us. Eventually when he warmed up to the new surroundings, he started venturing on his own to touch things. Like at home, he would touch anything that was on the table, including the tissue box. Talking about that, there was once when Kendrick started pulling out pieces of tissue paper from the tissue box at home without our knowledge!! I was both amused and mad to see all the tissue paper wasted on the floor! Ha ha... Anyway, back to the party, the thing about Kendrick is that he still does not know how to really interact with other kids yet. He would rather go about on his own and play with things that he can see around the place. He also attempted to climb up this flight of stairs and was not afraid to run off to places even though we showed him that we were not following him. He is quite a curious boy after all.
Then on Sunday, we took some time to head down to Marina Barrage since we were all new to that place. Although it was a little warm that afternoon, I could tell that Kendrick did enjoy the fact that we have brought him outdoors. He liked walking about on his own and really seemed like a 'big kid' already. When I look at the photos, I can't help thinking that my little baby is growing up fast! One moment just a little baby, next moment, walking next to us like a big kid. Time for #2?? Maybe, maybe not. Haha....
Here are some photos from our outing to Marina Barrage:

A few series of Kendrick walking about on his own

Somehow this part of the landscape really made it look like there was nothing else around. Looks like a fake backdrop too ya? Ha ha...
Series of Father and Son shots