Here's an update on how he's developing:
Physical / Motor Skills
- Learnt how to sort his toy blocks by colour
- Made attempts to feed himself by spoon, but he's still not good at it
- Sprouting almost 4-6 teeth at the same time. I can see 4 of his molars coming out (top and bottom). His 4 canine teeth seem to be on its way out too, but it's not very obvious yet. Gosh! This is why Kendrick has been giving us some headache nowadays in terms of his drinking milk. He has been refusing to drink from the bottle many times because he would end up biting the teat and not suck at all. I have to resort to feeding him through spoon instead!! Please get over this phase my boy.....
- Loves to climb up and down steps but definitely needs someone to hold him
- Made attempts at running. He can definitely walk very very fast now to the extent of running a little
- Loves to mimic the things we do like after seeing us vacuum or mop the floor, he will hold some stick and do a similar action
- Learnt to make silly poses for photo taking
Emotional Development
- Still testing our patience at times by doing things that we already told him not to do. Dear has disciplined him a few times already by making him stand at the wall when he threw tantrums and cried for nothing. At some point, Kendrick actually understood that it was no point crying further as Papa would still make him stand at the wall so he stopped and said 'sollie'
- A lot must be going through his mind now that he knows more things. When he woke with nightmare at night, he would be crying uncontrollably and saying 'there there'. Wonder what he dreamt about 'there'?? :)
Speech & Recognition
- Kendrick's vocab and use of words has grown tremendously over the last month. Nowadays, he can actually tell us things via simple 2 or 3 words. E.g. 'watch TV', 'watch okto', 'light up there'. He even knows how to tell us to come to him like 'Mummy Lai (come)' or say things like 'Papa De' (something that belongs to his father)
- Other words and things he knows and recognises include 'Minnie mouse' (actually he's trying to say Mickey but can't pronounce the key yet), 'elmo', 'big bird', 'thunder', 'drawing', 'hello', 'good nite', 'good morning', 'ai ni (love u)', 'watch' (finally he realises the difference between watch and clock), 'stawbeli (strawberry)', 'pooh bear', 'piglet', 'brush teeth', 'caltex star', 'shell', 'Macnona (McDonald)', 'Adidas' (yes he can recognise the brand), 'nike' (also recognises the brand), 'tunnel', 'stop', 'go', 'drum', 'slide', 'Ernie'
- Knows how to call our family members including 'da du' and 'du zhang' (da gu and gu zhang)
Here are some recent photos of Kendrick...
He's learnt how to pose lately, making funny actions. Here's one of him while he was eating