Time flies, we are now in year 2011 already! In just 2 more months, we should be expecting to see our second little boy come into this world! As for how's he's doing so far, I would say quite good. He's developing fine and my visit to the gynae today indicates that he's now close to 2kg and his head is in a downward position. That would mean a good chance for normal delivery. Other than that, I would say this baby is very active...I can really feel him move at many different times of the day. As he grows bigger, some of his moves can be quite painful too. Gosh. I guess it's the Mommy that suffers...sometimes I do feel the aches and discomfort but what to do, just have to bear with it for a while more. I'm both nervous and excited to be honest. Although I know roughly what to expect, but it's still a feeling of uncertainty and the fact that one has to be in confinement soon :| Anyways, I guess I'll just deal with it as it comes.
As for Kendrick, it's back to school in January after a 2 week break in December. His emotional behaviour improved since the last time I mentioned. He cried a little when he went back to school initially, but has slowly gotten used to the workgroup class that he's in. Interestingly, he has made some new friends, particularly gals! He actually told us the names of 2 of his friends - Constance and Yasmin. A check with his principal confirmed that was indeed true...he did play with them in class. Haha. Hopefully he will slowly continue to open up more and grow more independent this year. He just turned 3 recently and again, I can't believe how time flies growing up with him. Really love him soo much :) He can really say such funny things at times, and even knows how to show concern if you hit something for example. Kendrick also writes a lot better now and is aware of many words. However, he still needs improvement in his colouring which he just simply does not show any interest in!! Guess he's really not the artistic kind?! He has learnt to draw a little bit too but still his interest lies in words and numbers. Well, for the year ahead, I can only wish that he'll will learn to be a good big brother and be more independent. Till the next update!
As for Kendrick, it's back to school in January after a 2 week break in December. His emotional behaviour improved since the last time I mentioned. He cried a little when he went back to school initially, but has slowly gotten used to the workgroup class that he's in. Interestingly, he has made some new friends, particularly gals! He actually told us the names of 2 of his friends - Constance and Yasmin. A check with his principal confirmed that was indeed true...he did play with them in class. Haha. Hopefully he will slowly continue to open up more and grow more independent this year. He just turned 3 recently and again, I can't believe how time flies growing up with him. Really love him soo much :) He can really say such funny things at times, and even knows how to show concern if you hit something for example. Kendrick also writes a lot better now and is aware of many words. However, he still needs improvement in his colouring which he just simply does not show any interest in!! Guess he's really not the artistic kind?! He has learnt to draw a little bit too but still his interest lies in words and numbers. Well, for the year ahead, I can only wish that he'll will learn to be a good big brother and be more independent. Till the next update!
Christmas at Orchard 2010