It's February now and I'm closing in on the birth of my second's the home stretch now! During my last check up at around 35 weeks, baby seems fine and weighs in about 2.8kg. Doc said that he's fairly comparable to Kendrick at around the same time during my last pregnancy. This little boy has also been very active, always kicking and pushing my tummy, even when I sleep at night. However, the unfortunate thing is that Mommy has fallen sick just recently. I somehow caught this virus and it started with a sore throat, followed by rather bad cough and phlegm. Much as I really wanted to avoid taking medicine, I had not much choice but to take some as it was an infection. I really hope that this will not have any serious impact on baby. I only hope to get well soon!! Haiz...but I'm thankful that I did not have any major sickness until this point in time. I'll be seeing my gynae again at the end of February and thereafter, it'll be a weekly countdown! Honestly, I am still nervous despite this being the second time round. And I'm pretty sure I'll miss Kendrick terribly when I'm in the hospital. Hope he will cope well without me around...In my mind are also thoughts about how things will play out once the baby is born. Will Kendrick want a lot of my attention? Will he whine and cry and misbehave? Or will he surprise me and become really independent? Haha..I guess I'll know soon enough.
As for Kendrick's development, I would say he's getting a lot more interesting again. He enjoys school quite a bit now and has friends that he is able to name. Mostly girls though :) At one point, he kept telling us about all the 'girl friends' that he knows - e.g. Constance, Ezanne, Yasmine, Tasha, etc. I guess one reason is that his class has more gals than boys. But it's so cute to see him talk about them and act so shy and smile so happily! He will also say he like this person that person. He also started becoming more friendly to our immediate neighbour who has a little girl 1 year younger than Kendrick. He likes to stop by their house just as we make our way home, so that he can just stand there and say hi and make small little conversations. We really have to drag him home at times...My funny little boy!
Kendrick's also into asking "Why" a lot now. Like every single thing that we do or make him do, he will question you with a "Why". It's as if he's a really big boy now, knowing his rights and wants to demand why we do certain things to him or expect him to do certain things. Gosh, at times it does get a little exasperating just to answer him. But yet we know that it's a really good time to continue to teach and nurture him. Only hope that we will be able to instill the right values to him somehow...
Kendrick's also into asking "Why" a lot now. Like every single thing that we do or make him do, he will question you with a "Why". It's as if he's a really big boy now, knowing his rights and wants to demand why we do certain things to him or expect him to do certain things. Gosh, at times it does get a little exasperating just to answer him. But yet we know that it's a really good time to continue to teach and nurture him. Only hope that we will be able to instill the right values to him somehow...
Photo updates: Kendrick in school on CNY Eve with his friends