Kendrick turned 11 months recently when we were still in KL. Yes, in one more month's time we will be celebrating his 1st year birthday at home. Before that comes, we were wondering when Kendrick would start to walk on his own and these few days, we noticed that he kept standing without holding onto anything for support when he is in the baby cot and also in the play pen. When standing on the floor, he also did the same thing few times. Just earlier this evening while playing with Kendrick, I was somehow able to hold him very little and eventually let go totally to see him walk a few first steps on his own!! So happy to witness that. I quickly told Dear and we managed to get Kendrick to demonstrate it another time!
Anyway, I find that Kendrick seemed to grow up a lot these couple of weeks. In terms of his physical/psycho-motor skills, I'm glad that he has finally learnt how to use his pincer grasp much much better to pick up small bits of food from the table or bowl and put into his mouth. Waving bye bye and 'sayang-ing' us are also actions which he will do if we keep asking him to. Though waving good bye is still subjective to his mood! In terms of his speech/verbal development, he seemed to be developing pretty well too- lately he has been calling 'Ma Ma' more often than 'Pa Pa'. In fact, he seems to know how to call his grandma and also me as 'Ma Ma'. Well, hopefully in more months to come he will say 'Mummy' instead. Haha..
Other than that, Kendrick has been 'talking' a lot by making funny words and sounds as if he was talking like us adults. He loves to point at things too as he 'talks' and we will try to respond to him accordingly. He knows where's the clock in the house and when you ask him 'what time it is' in Mandarin, he would turn to look at the clock! He also knows his toy bear very well, calling it 'Bear' and he will go towards it when we ask him where is Bear Bear. When reading books, he knows he has this Elmo book which he will say 'Mo Mo'. When giving him food, sometimes he will make the sound that sounds very much like 'more more' or perhaps even 'no more' which we keep telling him at times. Talking about food, Kendrick now has 4 teeth - 2 lower and 2 upper. I can see one more upper tooth coming along in time, but generally his teeth growth is not as fast as some babies.
It's been quite a fun stage to play with Kendrick these few months. Though he is very very active and just can't sit still for long, it's good to know that my little baby is becoming a toddler in no time! Can't imagine him running around in maybe a few more months time?? I'm now guessing that he may walk by Chinese New Year. Whatever it is, at his time and pace :)
Anyway, I find that Kendrick seemed to grow up a lot these couple of weeks. In terms of his physical/psycho-motor skills, I'm glad that he has finally learnt how to use his pincer grasp much much better to pick up small bits of food from the table or bowl and put into his mouth. Waving bye bye and 'sayang-ing' us are also actions which he will do if we keep asking him to. Though waving good bye is still subjective to his mood! In terms of his speech/verbal development, he seemed to be developing pretty well too- lately he has been calling 'Ma Ma' more often than 'Pa Pa'. In fact, he seems to know how to call his grandma and also me as 'Ma Ma'. Well, hopefully in more months to come he will say 'Mummy' instead. Haha..
Other than that, Kendrick has been 'talking' a lot by making funny words and sounds as if he was talking like us adults. He loves to point at things too as he 'talks' and we will try to respond to him accordingly. He knows where's the clock in the house and when you ask him 'what time it is' in Mandarin, he would turn to look at the clock! He also knows his toy bear very well, calling it 'Bear' and he will go towards it when we ask him where is Bear Bear. When reading books, he knows he has this Elmo book which he will say 'Mo Mo'. When giving him food, sometimes he will make the sound that sounds very much like 'more more' or perhaps even 'no more' which we keep telling him at times. Talking about food, Kendrick now has 4 teeth - 2 lower and 2 upper. I can see one more upper tooth coming along in time, but generally his teeth growth is not as fast as some babies.
It's been quite a fun stage to play with Kendrick these few months. Though he is very very active and just can't sit still for long, it's good to know that my little baby is becoming a toddler in no time! Can't imagine him running around in maybe a few more months time?? I'm now guessing that he may walk by Chinese New Year. Whatever it is, at his time and pace :)
At Dear's cousin's wedding dinner - Kendrick was really excited about all the new things he saw - the lights, the sound, the activities

I'm going to be 1 soon!

Family shot