Kendrick turned 13 months old over the weekend and he continues to be in the playful and active stage. He walks a lot faster nowadays and can even turn in circles on the spot, walk sideways and also shown some instances of walking a few steps backwards. In this recent week, he also learnt to stand up on his own unassisted - that is from a squating position to a standing position. This little boy even imitated his Daddy who asked him to do 'squats'! Well, Kendrick's still got lots more to learn, but we're just thankful for every day of Kendrick's life. This little fella can be such a sweet little thing, calling all the people that he know every now and then. What's especially sweet is that Kendrick finally learnt to call me 'mee-mee' or 'meh-mee' just a week ago! Whenever he sees me he will call me that and it feels really nice :)
Here are some shots taken during the recent Chinese New Year period...
Here are some shots taken during the recent Chinese New Year period...
Kendrick plays with Baby Pooh Bear