You gave Papa and Mummy a mini-scare last weekend when you suddenly decided to reject your milk! It started somewhere around last Thursday and Friday where you did not want to finish your milk at night before you went to bed. Then on Saturday itself, you only drank milk once in the morning and refused totally in the afternoon and at night!! Luckily, you still ate your porridge and food. But it was like you totally hated milk. The same thing happened again on Sunday. You drank your milk again in the morning as you were really hungry from the night. But the rest of the day, you did not want to drink at all. Although you still ate your porridge and other food, you still got us a little worried. At Ma-Ma house during the week, fortunately, you did not totally reject milk in the afternoon, though you did not finish your feed either. Gradually, this improved through the week as you began to drink more milk again and we were most happy to hear you asking for milk by the time it was Thursday!! We really wondered what happened over those few days. Was it some post effect of the MMR jab? Or just some sudden passing thing? Nevertheless, still happy to see you drinking your milk and taking your food as per normal again :)
Papa and Mummy are also very tickled by the way your communication skills are changing or improving. Nowadays, you always call out to the person you want attention from first before telling them what you want to tell them. You would say something like "Papa! Papa! Na Na" (when you want your Papa to see the picture of the banana you spotted), or "Mee Mee! Mee Mee! Tok!" (when you spotted the sight of a clock). This applies to the rest of our family members too, calling your Ma Ma or Gong Gong or Gu Gu before telling them things. And the fact that you must get our attention if not you will keep calling out to us makes you really cute my dear...
Can't imagine the day when you truly know how to talk...what would it be like? What would your first true sentence be about? We are looking forward :)
Bought some new sets of clothes for you from the pasar malam at Bishan recently and I really like this Elmo set. Cheap cheap too at 3 for $10 :)