Kendrick is now 17 months old and here's an update on how he's developing:
Physical / Motor Skills
- Shows better grasp when holding on a pen to draw on this magna-doodle board. As such, he seems to doodle with a bit more precision now. That day when I asked him what he drew, he said 'fa-wer' (flower)... so cute of him :)
- Still does not know how to sort toys by colours or size. Guess we have to work on this more
- Still do not know how to feed himself with a spoon yet as I've not really let him try other than pretend playing only
Emotional Development
- Continues to throw temper tantrums when frustrated or when he does not get what he wants. Think Kendrick's kinda spoilt by his Grandparents! He seems to be quite naughty when at their home. Sigh! At our own home, he does misbehave too but we try our best to not give in every time. Guess he's really testing our limits! More patience needed....
Speech & Recognition
- Know how to call out to old ladies that look like 'Chor Chor' to him (Great Grandma). For older uncles he learnt to call 'Ah Zek'. For other man or women, he will tell us 'ah-ca' (uncle) or 'aunty'
- Has grown to know and recognise more things and made more attempts at saying words with more syllables after we have mentioned to him: air-ton (air-con), da gu (First Aunty), gong ji (cockerel), okto, A-plus, you gan you (Scotts Emulsion), xie xie (thank you), papaya, open, close, yi qi zou (let's walk together), ah-plane (aeroplane)
- Can repeat after us with very close proximity when we read to him A to Z
- Learnt to fill in the lyrics for simple children rhymes like 'Rain Rain Go Away', '1 2 buckle my shoe...', 'Ba Ba Black Sheep'
- Make very simple sentence like 'mummy, where?'. Sometimes he will then answer himself by saying 'there'
Just happy that Kendrick is a healthy and happy child. Next month he hits 1.5yrs already, will update again then :)
It's been a while since we took a shot like this together. The last time I think Kendrick was only around 5 - 6 months