With each week, we see yet another little milestone in Kendrick's development. After some 'training' given by his grandparents, Kendrick is now able to lie on his tummy and raise his head up a little bit more stronger than before. I know some babies were able to do this much earlier, but it's ok. Every baby is different. They will get there somehow, just like Kendrick did and Daddy and Mummy are real proud of him :) He will only get better with time!

Daddy also played with Kendrick quite a bit this weekend by letting him sit on his own tummy and shaking him a bit now that his neck is stronger and can support himself fairly well. Kendrick was especially tickled on this Sunday morning. He really laughed and made noises along with his laughter! I could not stop laughing at how cute the whole scene was :P When I tried, somehow I could not get the same effect as when Daddy does it...I guess the boyz love playing together!