It was quite an eventful Friday for us and Kendrick. Well, first of all, Dear and I were on leave on Friday so we went to collect Kendrick's passport in the afternoon. Yeh, we made the passport first as we are thinking of bringing Kendrick to Malaysia next month. Luckily the collection turned out to be quite fast since we had appointment. So after that, we headed over to Bugis Junction for lunch. A short while of shopping and Mummy bought a few items. He He... After that, we headed home as we intended to bring Kendrick for a swim if the weather was good.
Before heading out to collect passport

Kendrick in the car seat with his little piggy friend

Having our lunch...and here's Kendrick's passport!

Fortunately, the weather was good for a swim. Wanted to let Kendrick take another short nap before going as his nap when we were at the shopping centre was quite short. Somehow he refused and we decided head out at around 4.30pm. Went to SAFRA Yishun and we were quite excited to see how Kendrick would react. I changed him into his Baby Fox swimwear and Daddy took him the the wading pool. We also let Kendrick try out the neck float which I bought second hand from someone in the motherhood forum. Well, I guess I didn't really expect him to be scared of the water! It was a little difficult at first as Kendrick kept fretting and refusing to swim on his own with the neck float. After several attempts and Daddy holding onto him more, Kendrick finally got a little more used to the swimming pool. Still, he did not really like the neck float. We tried the other sitting float that we bought and it was slightly better. But he mostly enjoyed it better when Daddy was carrying him about in the water.
Kendrick fretting and feeling scared about his first swimming attempt!

The only shot I managed to get of Kendrick smiling