- Kendrick kept saying the words 'ba', 'dare-dare' and 'neh-neh'. Wonder why he became so talkative lately..perhaps part of the speech development in babies? Anyway, wherever he was, Kendrick would keep saying these mono-syllable words as if he was talking. When he sees strangers, he would also make the sound 'eh' as if he was calling out to them. Quite funny :P
- Finally tried letting Kendrick eat porridge. So far I've only let him eat cereal with vege for meals other than milk and some occasional fruits. When he first tried porridge on Friday evening, he didn't like it and couldn't really eat it. Partly also because my MIL didn't cook the porridge fine enough. So on the weekends I tried out and cooked the porridge much longer so that it is much finer and softer. Although Kendrick still did not really like it by the look on his face and his spitting out at times, he still managed to eat up about half a bowl each time. I gave him carrots and 'heng cai' as a start. Thinking of letting him eat some fish this week :)
- Managed to close 2 deals through the motherhood forum to buy second hand car seat and playpen for my PIL place, and we collected these 2 items this weekend. The car seat was mainly because Kendrick is getting a little out of hand and struggling a lot even when seated in the car so I felt it was easier and also safer to get my PIL a car seat for their car too. The playpen would also be put at their home so that Kendrick can have a safer environment to crawl and stand (which he is en-route to achieve by himself). This active boy is already starting to touch everything and even when out of reach, he seems to be attempting to climb towards it! Hopefully the playpen will serve some use for some time! Just quite glad that at least buying the items second hand means I don't have to spend so much money!
Now for some photo updates:
Standing in his cot...though it was Mummy who put you there to take photo. Haha...Kendrick has not fully learnt to stand by himself yet, but he's almost there already as he attempts to every time..

Trying on the cap that Daddy bought for you from US

Tried very hard to take photo of your tooth and these are the best shots so far...will try again another day!