This Lunar New Year is a long break for me as my company enforced leave for the whole week, so it just means more time to spend with Kendrick, Dear and our family. Well, it is quite significant start to the Lunar New Year as Kendrick is able to walk already. Just 1 year ago, he was still a baby when we brought him out visiting. This year he is so much more aware of things and enjoy running around and touching everything! Since I last updated that Kendrick took his first walk by himself, he has progressed quite a bit over the last 3 weeks. From walking unsteadily, to balancing himself by putting his arms out horizontally, to walking with a lot more confidence all over the place, to putting his hands down (no need to balance outwards) when he walks. Indeed, it has also been a really busy time for Mummy and Daddy as we have to keep a lookout for him in case he hurts himself! No wonder this is the really busy time. Someone said when he starts to run, even worse! Ha ha.... But we do enjoy seeing Kendrick walk all over our house as it is quite amusing to see him following us as we do our stuff. It's really a 'little man' walking around :)
Besides walking, Kendrick seemed to progress quite fast with his talking and understanding of things that we say. He has certainly picked up a lot of single syllable words and he can say things like "tok" (clock), "Door", "Bad" (bread), "No", "Bear", "Mo" (Elmo), "Tong" (Gong Gong), "No more", "More more", "Na na" (banana), "doe" (let's go), "pong pong" (bath), "he he", "ha ha", "tata" (as he waves goodbye), "star", "there", "na" (as in 'na, I give u this'), "boo" (book), "boc" (box), "wah", "oh" (when he thinks he did something wrong), "bao bao" (to carry him), "pull" (when I want him to pull out his socks), "Sok" (socks), "Nu" (as in cow in Chinese), "olo" (hello when he put the phone to his ear), "baby".....
We're quite amazed at his progress but I suppose this is the time that he picks up everything that we adults say or do so we also have to be extra careful as he is mimicking us in some way. But it's a fun time too overall and I will certainly miss this stage as Kendrick grows up...
Lunar New Year Day 1 - As Dear's parents are overseas, we went visiting my side of the relatives
Besides walking, Kendrick seemed to progress quite fast with his talking and understanding of things that we say. He has certainly picked up a lot of single syllable words and he can say things like "tok" (clock), "Door", "Bad" (bread), "No", "Bear", "Mo" (Elmo), "Tong" (Gong Gong), "No more", "More more", "Na na" (banana), "doe" (let's go), "pong pong" (bath), "he he", "ha ha", "tata" (as he waves goodbye), "star", "there", "na" (as in 'na, I give u this'), "boo" (book), "boc" (box), "wah", "oh" (when he thinks he did something wrong), "bao bao" (to carry him), "pull" (when I want him to pull out his socks), "Sok" (socks), "Nu" (as in cow in Chinese), "olo" (hello when he put the phone to his ear), "baby".....
We're quite amazed at his progress but I suppose this is the time that he picks up everything that we adults say or do so we also have to be extra careful as he is mimicking us in some way. But it's a fun time too overall and I will certainly miss this stage as Kendrick grows up...
Lunar New Year Day 1 - As Dear's parents are overseas, we went visiting my side of the relatives
Kendrick in his LNY outfit - he's the Kungfu Master!!

Lunar New Year Day 2 - We were pretty free this day. We took Kendrick out to the park in the morning then headed out for lunch to celebrate my Grandma's birthday. In the evening, we also popped by her place for dinner as there was a bit of gathering there again
Kendrick at Bishan Park on his tricycle