On Kendrick's actual birthday, we decided to bring him for an outing at Go Go Bambini - an indoor playground designed for kids, located at Dempsey Hill. Actually, I was also considering another indoor playground called Fidgets which another fellow Mummy friend had tried out. However, since we heard that the fees at GGB was slightly cheaper, we decided to try there first to see how it was. Turned out to be quite ok... might be more fun when Kendrick grows older. For now, given that he can't really walk by himself, Daddy and Mummy really have to tire ourselves out to help him overcome all the obstacles and climb up and down!! We were quite tired after spending about 2 hours there.
Before we left our home, took a final shot with the backdrop which we kept on till this day

We soon moved on to the 'bigger playground' where we had to climb up and down with Kendrick to get him to overcome the various 'obstacles'. As the place was rather dark, not many shots turned out nice. Here are some highlights....
Kendrick climbing down this hole with the help of Daddy who is hiding below..hehe

Finally here are 2 videos - One of Kendrick climbing down an obstacle and the other of us coming down on the slide!