Kendrick is now 21 months old. He's growing day by day and lately, he seems taller to me. However when I measure his height, he has not hit 90cm yet I think. But he should be around 87cm or so. Here's some updates on his development...
- Kendrick understands a lot of things that we tell him or ask him. He has in fact shown us that he can also ask us questions. So far, he has asked the following: "What are you doing?", "Where are we going?", "What happened?", "What's this?", "What's that?", "Boy, where are you?" (when playing with his toys, he actually said that to himself!)
- He has also said other things like "Milk milk very nice", "Bob Builder sleep here", "Mummy sit here", "Little pig go in", "Mummy read to me", "Papa open for me". I guess this are signs that he's making longer sentences that actually make sense.
- In our recent holiday, he also said things which surprised us. For example, he was playing with his bolsters on the bed by himself and said this to himself: "Are you ready Chou Chou? 1, 2, 3", then he threw the bolsters down on the bed!
- Besides English, he's also able to speak and understand some Chinese words as his Grandparents speak that to him daily
- He can identify left and right: he knows his left hand, right hand, left leg, right leg
- He knows how to sing songs: "ABC", "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, "This Old Man", "Humpty Dumpty", "Jingle Bell", "Happy Birthday"
- He can distinguish "Big" vs "Small" - Big lorry, small lorry, big bolster, small bolster
- He can identify petrol stations "Caltex", "Esso", "SPC", "Shell". In particular, he likes to say "Pump at Shell, shop at Cold Storage" (affected by the radio advertisement!)
- He has improved in recognising colours since the last month. After many times of teaching him, he is almost correct every time in identifying most colours and shapes.
- He still enjoys doodling and can draw a round shape and lines. However, I'm still not certain whether he is a right or left handed person. At times he shows more inclination towards being a 'lefty', but at times, he can still revert back to using his right hand to write
- He can be quite shy in his behaviour towards other young children. I guess he has not had enough exposure to young kids around his age. He can adapt well with adults over time, but with younger children around, Kendrick does not know how to react or behave. This is one thing which I hope when he goes to school or some playgroup, things will improve!
Well, counting down to your 2 year old birthday! Hopefully you will continue to surprise us in your 2nd year :)