I'm kind of losing track of the new things that Kendrick does every month. Ha Ha..All I can say is, I'm really thankful that he is growing up healthy and fine so far. Kendrick, thank you for being in our lives for 22 months now...you've been a wonderful gift from God!
In any case, here's some updates on his development:
- The last check, he's about 12kg now. As for height, can't really be sure but I think he's about 87cm...
- Kendrick continues to make attempts to speak more sentences like "I want to xxxxx", depending on what he wanted. It could be to eat apple or go up, or come down or play or press the lift, etc. Only problem with his sentence is, he falls into this habit of saying "Eeee want to" or "You want to" instead of "I want to". Have tried to correct him many times but he always forgets! Really hope that this will improve with time. This is also the phase where he does get confused in sentences between "you" and "me"
- He in fact understands a lot of concepts that we don't quite remember how and when we taught him. He also knows how to replace original subjects in sentence/songs with something else or someone else. At times when Dear and I talk between ourselves, Kendrick is actually listening in on our conversation and pick up certain things that we talked about. To quote an example, I was mentioning about the wet weather to Dear and Kendrick started singing "Rain rain go away"!
- Kendrick has shown us that he can love us back too and he will be very loving. He has said "I love you" to us many times at night before sleeping and that would involve hugging and kissing at times. He's really so sweet!
- He's loves to climb up and down a lot now. By this I mean climbing on top of our bodies so that he can get onto the sofa, climbing up and down stairs..and even climbing under and through gaps between our legs and the floor
- He loves listening to the Mickey Mouse clubhouse theme song and ending song. In fact, getting a little bit too much into TV...he likes to watch the Playhouse Disney channel at his grandparents home
- Of course, there are the negative points too. Kendrick continues having his tantrum throwing times and nowadays, he seems to be more insistent on wanting certain things. When he is upset, he has even shown us his displeasure by banging objects on the table or the floor. We try our best to discipline him and hope that he understands.
- I know I started this kind of late, but I actually realised that he can now eat harder/crunchier fruits like apple and pear in small bite size pieces rather than grating it
Bought this little school bag for Kendrick to use when he starts attending playgroup