Today is the second day that I followed Kendrick to his playgroup class. When we reached the class, I brought him in and told him to put his school bag down. Soon enough, the teacher approached him to ask him to get his play mat and sit down and play. With that happening, I quickly slipped out of the class. Again, I observed him as and when I could through the glass window, escaping from his view whenever he looked in my direction. So far so good too, no crying. I wonder if he is getting used to it? This morning while on the way to the centre, I asked Kendrick where we were going and he told me "School". That's a good sign I guess!
During the music and dance segment today, I noticed that Kendrick's still not warmed up to it yet. He basically just stands still when there is singing and moving. It's only at times that the teacher will try to bring him into hold hands or move around when singing 'London Bridge'. I probably want to feedback to the principal to get the teachers to encourage him on a bit more to move and follow the actions since he's still new.
After that, I kinda disappeared to do some walking around so I missed out what else Kendrick did for the day, but I could tell that it was some colouring activity. By the time I came back, it was just at the time that Kendrick and the kids were all queuing up to wash their hands. Kendrick saw me and thus called out to me happily! I guess from that point onwards, it was quite difficult for me not to be around. I thought I could still try to hide outside but he kept on calling out to me while inside the room and started to cry...haha...Ok, so I gave in and went inside since it was time for another birthday celebration. I could tell that Kendrick was really happy. With me around, he did his little 'happy dance' and even sang 'ABCD' song out loud after the cake cutting session was over. little baby! Wonder if he felt stressed when his family was not around with him?
During the music and dance segment today, I noticed that Kendrick's still not warmed up to it yet. He basically just stands still when there is singing and moving. It's only at times that the teacher will try to bring him into hold hands or move around when singing 'London Bridge'. I probably want to feedback to the principal to get the teachers to encourage him on a bit more to move and follow the actions since he's still new.
After that, I kinda disappeared to do some walking around so I missed out what else Kendrick did for the day, but I could tell that it was some colouring activity. By the time I came back, it was just at the time that Kendrick and the kids were all queuing up to wash their hands. Kendrick saw me and thus called out to me happily! I guess from that point onwards, it was quite difficult for me not to be around. I thought I could still try to hide outside but he kept on calling out to me while inside the room and started to cry...haha...Ok, so I gave in and went inside since it was time for another birthday celebration. I could tell that Kendrick was really happy. With me around, he did his little 'happy dance' and even sang 'ABCD' song out loud after the cake cutting session was over. little baby! Wonder if he felt stressed when his family was not around with him?
Free play time - Kendrick plays with some toy cars