Just a very short video on Kendrick's crawling forward attempt :)
Sunday, August 31, 2008
New Bumper Playmat
It's quite an exciting weekend for us and Kendrick. Firstly, the bumper playmat that I ordered through the Motherhood forum's Bulk Purchase arrived on Saturday morning! Before that, Dear and I packed our living room area, folded up our carpet and kept it and we also had to shift the coffee table away. All for the sake of our kid ya.... We then cleaned up the playmat and after a while, Kendrick had his first play time there. He was quite intrigued by this new play mat as we could see that he kept looking at all the colourful characters and design on it. A little apprehensive at first, but soon he was quite comfortable playing on it. We played blocks with him and soon enough, he was moving into his crawling position.
Kendrick met a new milestone this weekend as he not only moved towards a sitting position more easily (I suppose the playmat is not as soft was our bed so it was easier with more support), he also made attempts to crawl forward! Finally....all the these while he mostly moved backwards, sideways and all over, but today he finally made clearer forward movements! He's still not very good at it, but I'm sure given time he will get the hang of the coordination. = ) And since then, whenever we put him on the mat, he will automatically go into his crawling position and try his best to move about. Good for you boy! Jia you bah!
Kendrick met a new milestone this weekend as he not only moved towards a sitting position more easily (I suppose the playmat is not as soft was our bed so it was easier with more support), he also made attempts to crawl forward! Finally....all the these while he mostly moved backwards, sideways and all over, but today he finally made clearer forward movements! He's still not very good at it, but I'm sure given time he will get the hang of the coordination. = ) And since then, whenever we put him on the mat, he will automatically go into his crawling position and try his best to move about. Good for you boy! Jia you bah!

Sunday, August 24, 2008
Double eyelids and 'Ba Ba'

This weekend was quite interesting as Kendrick seemed to have double eyelids appearing! It happened on Saturday on one eye, then today for both eyes. Although Kendrick does have double eyelids, but they have always been hidden beneath so much so that you see him as having single eyelids most of the time. I told Dear that this is probably temporary, like maybe due to lack of sleep or something. But Dear says that maybe he's grown bigger so it appears out already. Well, I'm still doubtful, so savour the moment first!
Another thing that Kendrick kept doing this weekend was to say the words 'ba ba'. He did say something of this nature some time back, but it was not so frequent like this weekend. And this time, it was really 2 syllables at the same time. So Daddy is very happy, as Kendrick did look at Daddy at some times and say out the words 'ba ba'....But besides looking at Daddy, he also kept saying 'ba ba' at many other times. haha...I only heard him say or make the sound 'ma' once!! Other words that he seemed to have mouthed this weekend was 'dare dare'.....Gosh, he became quite talkative this weekend, so funny :)
Another thing that Kendrick kept doing this weekend was to say the words 'ba ba'. He did say something of this nature some time back, but it was not so frequent like this weekend. And this time, it was really 2 syllables at the same time. So Daddy is very happy, as Kendrick did look at Daddy at some times and say out the words 'ba ba'....But besides looking at Daddy, he also kept saying 'ba ba' at many other times. haha...I only heard him say or make the sound 'ma' once!! Other words that he seemed to have mouthed this weekend was 'dare dare'.....Gosh, he became quite talkative this weekend, so funny :)
Playing with blocks (17 Aug 2008)
Bought some toy blocks for Kendrick a few weeks back from Toys R Us when there was some offer. When we let Kendrick play with them initially, he got a little taken aback by the sound of all the 24 blocks when I poured them all out! Ha ha... but nevertheless, in the end he still played with them and what else does he do but eat them!! Tried to show him how to stack it up but I suppose he still does not really understand that yet. All he could do was pick them up top it with his saliva :P

Friday, August 22, 2008
Ant Bites
Sigh, yesterday evening returned home to my PIL place to learn that Kendrick had several ant bites on his leg!! On his left thigh, there were about 9 bites that looked like mosquito bites, but my FIL was pretty certain it was not mosquito bites. We deduced it could be ant bites as it was all around the same area. They told me that poor Kendrick could feel that it was itchy as he did scratch his leg in the day, so they let him wear long pants. I was quite stunned to see it as I did not notice anything wrong yesterday morning as it seemed to have occurred overnight when he was sleeping. That made me worry about whether my bedroom has lots of ants. No doubt we did spot some last week around his cot area, but we immediately cleaned up and put ant baits and so far there was nothing after that.
For this to happen suddenly, certainly felt soooo heart pain....Maybe it's because it's all a first time experience for me, so definitely feel more affected! Decided to bring Kendrick to see doctor last night just to be sure it's nothing too serious. Thankfully it's not serious and the Doc just gave some cream to apply so that the swelling goes down. And by this morning, I checked on Kendrick, the bites certainly look less red.
Anyway, my poor baby...although kena bitten, but still ever so cheerful and lovely. :) Mummy and Daddy love you!!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Lazy Sunday (10 Aug 2008)
This post comes a week late as I forgot to download the photos last week...Anyway, since last Sunday, Kendrick has been trying hard to move from his crawling position to a sitting position. According to my mother-in-law, Kendrick apparently managed to do so while at their place last Thursday. Too bad we still have not witnessed him doing it successfully yet. He tries hard, but after a while gets tired and frustrated! We will have to wait patiently for the 'action' to take place!
Smiley Kendrick :)

This shot looks like he is doing push-ups...go go go Commando!

Trying to get into the sitting position but still not there yet...

At a gathering on Sunday evening, chanced upon this family whose son, Ethan was born just 1 day after Kendrick! And he was also delivered at Mt. Alvernia too, so both mummies were in the hospital at around the same time. Small world! Kendrick and Ethan were staring at each other initially, but we too slow, could not take that shot in time :P

Sunday, August 10, 2008
Sitting up
Kendrick seems to have gotten the hang of sitting up on his own quite often. I think the next thing he is trying to do is to move from a crawling position to a sitting up position. I noticed these new movements of his this weekend. At times he would try to push himself upwards but because he still don't know how to do it yet, he ends up rolling over on the bed :) Oh ya, talking about rolling over, Dear and I had a scare this weekend. Just last night, I let Kendrick sleep on our bed and I thought he was like half dozing off already, so I went to the toilet. Just as I was washing my hands, I saw that Kendrick was rolling about really fast and with one more turn he would fall off the bed! I screamed at Dear who went to save him in just the nick of time!! Gosh..we were too careless at that point in time. Usually I would put some pillows at both sides if he was awake. Thank God Kendrick did not fall down....
This was taken last week when I was on child sick leave looking after Kendrick. Although he had his diarrhea problem, Kendrick was still ever the cheerful and playful boy. This is just him sitting up on the bed when he refused to sleep
New PJs that I bought for him. I like this Little Bob Dog clothes..somehow it's just pretty cute to me
Having lunch with my parents and Kendrick sits in the baby chair for the first time when we bring him to a restaurant. Daddy calls this you 'square face' look :P
Friday, August 8, 2008
Happy 7 Months old on 7th August 2008!
As for his developmental milestones, Kendrick is now able to
- sit on his own without support
- drag objects to himself
- lunge forward but don't know how to crawl forward yet
- crawl backwards, sideways and all around
- support himself on his knees and lift his butt in a crawling position, and seem to want to move into a sitting up position
- jabber at times, mouthing words like boo and ba mainly
- give high five
- likes to stand on his feet with support from us
- bangs objects with his hands
- very curious in wanting to touch everything that he sees
- has eaten cereal, bananas, pumpkin, carrot, sweet potato, potato (unfortunately it was too many introduced to him too soon and too often. Mummy learn lesson....)
- likes to play peekaboo and any sort of 'surprise' game
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Kendrick has indigestion
We noticed that something does not seem right since Saturday as Kendrick poo many times in a day. Almost like 4 to 5 times. Though it was not watery, we still felt it was weird. The same thing happened on Sunday. It was almost every meal he would poo....so on Monday, told my parents in law to just feed him milk without any cereal to see if it was the cause. Not much effect, Kendrick still poo about 4 times and the final straw was last night when I noticed that the poo was more watery. Decided that it was safer to bring him to see a PD today. Turns out that doc diagnosed him to have indigestion leading to diarrhea. It's most likely due to the fact that we introduced too many new food to him over a short period of time. He was saying that sweet potatoes and bananas tend to cause baby to poo more easily. Maybe it's really our fault for letting Kendrick try out so many different types of vege in a short span of time. His stomach or intestines were just not ready to adapt so fast.
So now my poor baby has to take some diarrhea medicine and even drink Friso's soy based milk to hopefully quickly clear up this diarrhea problem. Really hope he will recover soon!!
So now my poor baby has to take some diarrhea medicine and even drink Friso's soy based milk to hopefully quickly clear up this diarrhea problem. Really hope he will recover soon!!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Kendrick laughing
My first time trying to upload a video. Haha...not too good at editing, so uploading it based on what we took. Just wanted to share Kendrick's laughing mood...he was so cute when he kept laughing when I was cleaning him up this evening. Don't know why he was so tickled :P
Kendrick sits up on his own
Discovered this new milestone of Kendrick this weekend. Although a couple of days last week we did sort of noticed that he seemed to be able to sit on his own without support, it was only this weekend that we truly felt he could really balance on his own. Good for you Kendrick! Mummy is proud of every milestone you accomplish no matter how fast or how long you take :) He seemed to enjoy this new feeling too. When we sat him on the stroller and took him out on Sunday evening for dinner, he sat upright and opened his arms wide like the 'Titanic' scene and was happily making nosies. So funny :P
Mummy letting you try out on the bed and you keep moving about like a 'bu dao ong' trying to balance yourself. Amazed that you managed to balance quite well :)

Daddy likes this shot of you as he thinks you look pretty cute here

Finally can sit up on your own in the bathtub...but Mummy still a bit worried that you may fall forward!

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