Discovered this new milestone of Kendrick this weekend. Although a couple of days last week we did sort of noticed that he seemed to be able to sit on his own without support, it was only this weekend that we truly felt he could really balance on his own. Good for you Kendrick! Mummy is proud of every milestone you accomplish no matter how fast or how long you take :) He seemed to enjoy this new feeling too. When we sat him on the stroller and took him out on Sunday evening for dinner, he sat upright and opened his arms wide like the 'Titanic' scene and was happily making nosies. So funny :P
Mummy letting you try out on the bed and you keep moving about like a 'bu dao ong' trying to balance yourself. Amazed that you managed to balance quite well :)

Daddy likes this shot of you as he thinks you look pretty cute here

Finally can sit up on your own in the bathtub...but Mummy still a bit worried that you may fall forward!