Since my last post, I'm about 25 weeks pregnant now. So far the little one inside of me has been rather active, I can feel his kicks and movements at various times of the day. The detailed scans and gynae visits have all shown that he is growing fine too, so just have top hope for the best. As for me, I guess I do get a bit more uncomfortable if I sit for too long. Somehow the tummy just feels a bit more tight and perhaps expanding, causing a slight feeling of 'being squashed'. Haha. I guess I can't eat too full now too for each meal, otherwise I can get pukey and feel very indigested.
We have also decided on a name for our second son...and he shall be called Matthew Tan :) As for the Chinese name, I think we'll take a while more to decide.
With regards to Kendrick, he's been a great to be around with, until the recent 2 weeks when he has somehow changed in his behaviour. Before I go into that, I thought I'd just update on his developments so far - He's able to pee and poo in the toilet bowl/potty for the day time already. But as for feeding himself, he's still rather lazy and not that good at it! He's also very into words and numbers. He not only remembers the spelling of lots of words, he can also write them out. His favourite activity now is to write all the words he has seen or encountered, like 'frog, log house, piano, radio, apple, pear, etc etc. The list just goes on. I'm quite amazed that he can remember the spelling of quite a lot of words actually. However, he does not seem to show much interest in drawing pictures. I'm still trying to teach him to imagine in that area and learn to draw some pictures. But he tend to lapse back into words and numbers instead... He's also such a fun to talk to, especially since he can say the most interesting sentences which you didn't expect him to say. Probably all picked up from what we say as adults.
However, his emotional behaviour changed a little in the recent 2 weeks, especially after we came back from a 5 day Hong Kong trip. He started crying again every day when he went to school. But after a while when he is in the class, he'll be ok. He also started crying at night when we want to leave my parents in law home. He insisted on staying with his grandparents and would continue to cry and throw a tantrum all the way home. When we scold him nowadays, he seems to cry more easily too, at the slightest bit. Gosh! I'm trying my best to be patient with him but there are times when it can be quite frustrating!! Anyway, I'm really praying that all these needy and attachment behaviour would gradually ease out. I can't tell if it's another case of separation anxiety happening all over again, or that he's growing bigger and suddenly became very aware of his emotions and feel the notion of 'love'. He will keep telling us that it's because he loves us or miss us. Much as it is very sweet and lovely, but his over-clingy and refusing to listen at times behaviour is a bit too much to bear. Some of my friends say it's some sort of reaction to me having my second child. Perhaps it is, perhaps it's not. It's not an easy time for us to deal with Kendrick, but I hope that like every other phase he has gone through, this will ease out soon!!

We have also decided on a name for our second son...and he shall be called Matthew Tan :) As for the Chinese name, I think we'll take a while more to decide.
With regards to Kendrick, he's been a great to be around with, until the recent 2 weeks when he has somehow changed in his behaviour. Before I go into that, I thought I'd just update on his developments so far - He's able to pee and poo in the toilet bowl/potty for the day time already. But as for feeding himself, he's still rather lazy and not that good at it! He's also very into words and numbers. He not only remembers the spelling of lots of words, he can also write them out. His favourite activity now is to write all the words he has seen or encountered, like 'frog, log house, piano, radio, apple, pear, etc etc. The list just goes on. I'm quite amazed that he can remember the spelling of quite a lot of words actually. However, he does not seem to show much interest in drawing pictures. I'm still trying to teach him to imagine in that area and learn to draw some pictures. But he tend to lapse back into words and numbers instead... He's also such a fun to talk to, especially since he can say the most interesting sentences which you didn't expect him to say. Probably all picked up from what we say as adults.
However, his emotional behaviour changed a little in the recent 2 weeks, especially after we came back from a 5 day Hong Kong trip. He started crying again every day when he went to school. But after a while when he is in the class, he'll be ok. He also started crying at night when we want to leave my parents in law home. He insisted on staying with his grandparents and would continue to cry and throw a tantrum all the way home. When we scold him nowadays, he seems to cry more easily too, at the slightest bit. Gosh! I'm trying my best to be patient with him but there are times when it can be quite frustrating!! Anyway, I'm really praying that all these needy and attachment behaviour would gradually ease out. I can't tell if it's another case of separation anxiety happening all over again, or that he's growing bigger and suddenly became very aware of his emotions and feel the notion of 'love'. He will keep telling us that it's because he loves us or miss us. Much as it is very sweet and lovely, but his over-clingy and refusing to listen at times behaviour is a bit too much to bear. Some of my friends say it's some sort of reaction to me having my second child. Perhaps it is, perhaps it's not. It's not an easy time for us to deal with Kendrick, but I hope that like every other phase he has gone through, this will ease out soon!!