Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, August 31, 2007

Detailed scan

We went for a detailed ultrasound scan this morning at Mt. A hospital. As advised by our gynae, this is done around the 20th week or so to view and check the baby in more details. Well, the radiographer that attended to me was a nice lady. As she went through the motion of the scan, she explained to us what we saw on the screen each time. She checked for quite a few things, like the bladder, the abdomen circumference, the kidneys, heart, limbs, thigh, etc. It was indeed very interesting to be able to view baby for so long and in such details today! Fortunately too, baby was very 'guai' as the radiographer was able to capture most of the things she needed to check quite easily.

When confirming the gender, it was pretty obvious from her scan that baby is indeed a boy. Yup, she commented that baby is not shy, as he opened his legs big enough to see his birdie sticking out indeed!! So funny :P Then as she continued the scan, she was telling me that baby was in the profile position. That is lying in a way such that we were seeing his side profile. So she also made funny comments that he's handsome lah, trying to pose pose lah :) This was especially so when baby showed one arm in a way that looked like he was showing off his muscle! Then she had to talk a bit to try to encourage baby to turn so that she can measure other aspects more accurately. I had to turn my body sideways as well to help move baby a bit.

Eventually, baby did move and change position and we were able to see baby's head, brain, eyes, nose, lips, chin area and spine. The whole detailed scan helped to ensure that our baby was developing well and all seems pretty fine. I'm about 21 weeks now and baby weighs about 425g already. Another thing that I'm truly thankful is that my placenta does not seem low already. Thank God for that!

Overall, it was certainly a thrilling experience to see our little son through the ultrasound scan. We certainly look forward to the next gynae visit!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Baby stuff

This week, I've been able to consistently feel baby's movement in me :) So far, I notice that baby tends to be more active in the evenings, round about dinner time and also later at night. Haha. Wonder what baby is doing during such times. It's really interesting that I can now see the slight movement visibly on my stomach out of the blue. It's like the skin suddenly protrudes out just so slightly. :)

Dear and I are also starting to look around more at baby stuff. Trying to get a chest of drawers to put in the spare room to store baby stuff. I'm also rather keen to buy baby clothes, but Dear says it's better to continue to look around first before buying anything since we still have time. I guess the main thing is to check out the market prices of clothes. So far, I saw some at Kiddy Palace and tops cost about $5-$6 a piece. Really want to buy already! All so small and cute! Hehe...

On top of clothes, still got so many other things to buy. My colleague shared with me a list of baby items to prepare and that is really helpful! Well, I guess we will have to take our time to look around and gather all the necessary stuff :)

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Feeling happy!

We visited the gynae this morning for our monthly appointment and was very happy to know that baby is growing well. Dr. Goh was commenting that my weight gain seems a bit on the excessive side, which surprised me, as I thought my weight gain was considered quite slow. Perhaps I was wrong? Anyway, before I was preggie, I was about 51kg and today, I measured about 56.2kg. Anyhow, he just told me that weight gain is even faster at the later stage.

During the ultrasound scan today, Dr. Goh measured the head length, head circumference and abdomen of baby and said all was ok. As a result of these calculations, he mentioned that baby now weighs about 315g, also all normal. The next thing he did was then to try to show us the gender of baby. Dr. Goh had to try a few angles before we finally saw....well, actually I did not what to look at, but Dr. Goh indicated the little 'birdie' and told us that we are having a baby boy!! Haha....Dear and I were a little unconvinced, as we somehow thought we would be having a girl. Dr. Goh seemed quite certain that it was a boy though, as he tried to show us again. Well, for now, we will take it as so! We should be going for a detailed scan in 2 weeks time to further confirm this and also check out other aspects.

So we left the clinic, feeling pretty happy and excited that we finally know our child's gender :) Another thing that I'm really happy about is that in the last 2 days or so, I began to feel baby movements in my tummy! It started out as a sudden slight movement I felt in my lower tummy area. It did not happen that often, but today, while I was watching TV, I felt quite a few kicks! Feeling really excited, I got Dear to put his hand on my lower tummy to feel too and he felt it too! So I guess that's what it feels like. I'm not sure how to describe it, but it's like something 'jabbing' gently in your stomach. Really quite an amazing feeling, especially for a first time mummy :)

Ok, looking forward to buying some baby stuff already :)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Yup, that's exactly how I feel lately. Always burping so much so that it has really become a 'normal' part of my life it seems! Actually, I am a little frustrated by it. I've had this feeling since the longest time. I guess it got more regular from somewhere around the 3rd month onwards. Whether I eat or don't eat or have a drink, I will somehow burp. I even tried to do some frequency count of how often I burp in a day!! Well, I was venting my frustrations in the motherhood forum and was glad to know that I'm not the only one having this issue. Sigh, guess each pregnancy is different for everyone!

Anyway, my next gynae appointment is coming up this Saturday. Looking forward again! Wonder if baby is cooperative this time to let us know the gender? :) Must try to talk a bit more to baby these few days. Haha...

Monday, August 6, 2007

How are you doing baby?

The days that go by before the next gynae appointment are times when I always ask this question:" How are you doing baby?" I guess being a first time mother, you always have it on your mind as to how your baby is growing inside of you. Well, I really hope that baby is growing well, coz I certainly can't tell on my own. I'm eating fairly well I should say, not skipping any meals and in fact eating tea snacks here and there. But these couple of days I seem to enjoy sweet drinks quite a bit. Apple juice, Ribena and I also crave a bit for ice lemon tea. Gosh, wonder if it's the weather or just me. Seem to feel more thirsty for these drinks :) Nevertheless, I try not too take too much cold drinks as it may not be that good for baby, but I guess sometimes you just cave into your cravings :P