I've been looking after my little Kendrick since confinement was over for me in early Feb. My mother-in-law who stayed with us during my confinement, moved back home to stay. As such, I began my journey of caring for Kendrick daily. It was quite daunting initially as I was quite nervous whether I could cope with looking after him and wash his clothes and manage other minor stuff around the house. As the weeks went by, you could say that I gained more confidence and also learnt to handle my baby much better, getting a hang of his 'pattern' and behaviour. It is a very interesting process as you get to see his development on a daily basis, week after week. Though it could be physically demanding, there is only one word to describe the feeling - rewarding :) The smile on Kendrick's face each time you talk to him - priceless.....
I suppose there could be a motherhood instinct in all of us ladies. Somehow, when it comes to your own child, you will feel overwhelmed by the amount of love you have that pushes you on despite the tiredness. I enjoy the breastfeeding process when latching him on as it feels so interesting that one is able to nurse your own child. Carrying him to make him sleep also feels good as it gives him a sense of comfort and security. Playing with him when he is awake and alert gives an opportunity for him to learn about you and his surroundings. Of course, dealing with his vehement cries can be a challenge of your patience and love too. To sum it all, I think I enjoy motherhood very much. Yes, I know it's going to be more challenging ahead as the baby grows bigger and perhaps get tougher to handle compared to the early months, but nothing beats seeing your own child grow up in front of you!
Cheers to all mothers and mothers-to-be! :)
Kendrick around 3rd week
CNY hairdo!

Already 6 weeks plus and such a messy sleeper!