This weekend, we decided to let Kendrick try his first cereal meal as he is turning 6 months on Monday! On Saturday, we introduced one feed of cereal meal to let him get used to it. In fact, we only gave him 2 tablespoons of cereal mix as a start first. The guide says to increase the amount every 2 to 3 days. We plan to start with one meal for a week first, then see if we can get him to take it for 2 meals a day. Well, it turned out pretty fine after all. Kendrick seemed to like eating it and finished everything that we gave him. Perhaps it's something new and different to him, but let's hope he will guai guai eat every day! Then soon we will let him try some fruit puree or vege. Gosh, a milestone indeed! From here on, it's not just milk all day...which is much easier! Haha...
"What's Mummy and Daddy up to putting me in this high chair and wearing this new bib?"

"Hmm...this tastes strange"

"But I think I like it! Yummmm"

"Ok, Daddy says smile for him, but I can't. Mummy just put another spoonful into my mouth!"

"Like not very satisfying leh. Eat my foot lah. Tastes better"

"Yup, that's cheeky me with Mummy after my first cereal meal!"