This weekend seems to be a lot of 'firsts' for Kendrick. First time eating cereal and also first time sitting in this new walker which we bought from NTUC since they had some good offer. I thought it looked pretty cute. The design is actually that of a mock up Mercedez car. Hehe. Anyway, this walker is really something new to Kendrick. When we put him in, he seemed very distracted by what it is and things around him when we moved him around. When we tried letting his feet touch the ground, he still does not know how to move about yet. I guess in another few more weeks, it may be a different story!
Kendrick seemed a little stunned when we put him in the walker. Guess he didn't know what this thing is

Took us some effort to make him smile... :)

Mummy and Kendrick

Again, some effort to get him to smile as he was simply distracted with everything else around him