We arrived at around 8.45am and the park was already full of parents with their little ones. Most of the younger babies were all in prams, while toddlers were running around. At least it was a bright and shiny morning without any rain! So pretty good weather though a little on the warm side. Anyway, we just went for the fun of it since the event was just opposite our flat. Got a goodie bag and the information trail walk was just a simple 500m track. Kendrick seemed pretty quiet initially when we first arrived. I guess seeing so many people and things happening around him must have intrigued him. He finally lightened up after we started the walk. :)
Mummy gets the goodie bag

At the start-off point of the information trail. Kendrick looks rather stressed. Haha...

Mummy pushing Kendrick for the walk...see the many other parents in the background??

Family photo time!

Met up with Evonne and her son, Baby Darius who is about 3mths old already. Kendrick is the kor kor here at 6mths+

Kendrick gets a little excited

Kendrick seemed to be able to sit upright by himself in the pram for a few seconds..a new mini milestone!