The next visit to the gynae was at 9 weeks. Before that happened, I went through various experiences during the early stages of my pregnancy. Somehow, after the confirmation of my pregnancy, I started to be more aware of the changes happening to me. I experienced cramping which seemed a bit bad, but already started checking out forums and books and it seems like it's quite natural as the womb starts to expand. Then came the indigestion and very bad bouts of gas in my stomach. So much that I could not tell if the uncomfortable feeling was due to the womb expanding or my flatulence. I guess it's a bit of both.
My appetite was not that great too initially. I ate, but not like I really wanted to eat. I felt like I was just eating for the sake of eating. Eventually, I started to have some form of morning sickness. I would say I'm again quite fortunate in that I probably had a pretty mild case. Feelings of nausea hit me every now and then, not necessarily in the morning. It happened anytime in the day to night in fact. I didn't actually puke, but just felt like it at some points in time.
Finally on seeing the gynae at my second check-up, I was able to see the baby quite a fair bit more taking some shape! CRL measured around 2.74cm according to the ultrasound scan. The doc also allowed us to listen to the baby's heartbeat for the first time and it was so loud and fast!! Really happy and interesting to see all of that :) Anyway, he advised that my bloatedness should get better with the weeks. Could only hope so!