On passing the first 9 weeks, I guess you could say that I was slowly getting used to my slightly expanding stomach and womb. I'm starting to find some of my skirts and pants tight and slightly uncomfortable to wear. Such a headache finding clothes to wear to work at this stage when I'm neither that big, nor that small...
Hence, I started shopping around for maternity clothes, particularly bottoms. Managed to get a few pieces here and there. For the tops, interestingly, the fashion at the moment seemed to favour large and long tops, which can be quite suitable for preggie mummies. So that's what I bought so far too. We also started looking at the possible hospital to deliver our first baby. It was between Thomson Medical Centre (TMC) and Mt. Alvernia (MtA). We did some 'hospital touring' on one weekend and very likely will settle with MtA.....
Anyway, by the time I had my next gynae check-up, the ultrasound showed a growing baby...with CRL now at 6.96cm. During this session, we were able to see our little one quite active! His or Her limbs were moving quite a bit and the doc was commenting quite active! So happy to see that. Too bad I don't feel anything though. Soon I will..I'm sure. :)

With that, it sort of marks the crossing of the first trimester. A grateful moment to God for taking me through what most people say is quite a tough period of pregnancy. The second trimester is suppposed to be the best period of the whole pregnancy, which I really hope so! My appetite is getting slightly better, but I won't say I'm got more energy. Still feel tired and sleepy on weekend afternoons. Especially since nowadays I practically wake up once every night to visit the toilet...they say it's nature's way to prepare for after birth when you have to be up several times a night!
I wonder if I'll ever get peaceful and restful sleep again...No matter what, I love you baby...Daddy and I hope you continue to grow well.... :)